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昨天去看了香港話劇團的《父親》(Le Père),是法國著名年輕劇作家齊勒的劇目。話劇把一個認知障礙症患者的世界鮮明的刻畫了出來,幽默而又帶著瘋狂,與家人間的無數衝突,如夢境般的迷失狀態。 這不禁使我想起三年前去世的嫲嫲,在她人生最後的階段,記憶就如樹葉般一塊一塊地落下,及至連最親的人都認不出來,回到了如初生時的狀態。 或許,生命就是這樣子吧,無奈而又真實...... 「珍惜當下,珍惜每一個還認得的面孔,因為我們不會知道什麼時候,命運要你徹底的忘記。」-馮蔚衡 - Just watched a theatre show "Le Père" by french playwright Florian Zeller yesterday. The show illustrates distinctively the world of a Alzheimer's disease patient, humorous and crazy, suffocating of family conflicts and dreamingly anxiousness. It made me think of my grandma who passed away three years ago. In her last days, memories faded so quickly like leaves falling out from a tree. Maybe Life is just like that. The only thing we can do is to treasure every face we can remember, until the day we all forget.

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